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How To: Removing metal band links


To adjust your metal link band start by looking at the underside. You will notice there are arrows on certain links. These notate the direction you can push out the pin that holds the band together, as well as which links are removable. You will use a watch pin tool to press the pin out in the direction the arrow is pointing.

The end of the pin has a slight flare to keep tension and hold in in the link. Once pressed out you will notice it can only go backing one direction. The flared end is always opposite the arrow.


Once the pin is removed you can repeat the process on the pin below to completely remove the link. Put the two halves back together and reinsert the pin from the opposite side of the arrow and press it in until it is flush with the side of the link. 


How To: Basic Tie Knots You Should Know

These are just a few of the ways out there to tie your tie, but we find that we use these most often. Not only are they easy to do but they cover a wide range of shirt collar styles and tie materials.

Four in Hand Knot Tarmac.png

Four-In-Hand Knot

Easy to use and quite versatile, this knot is also self releasing.


*We highly recommend this knot for knit ties as well

Half Windsor Knot

This knot produces a neat triangle shaped knot. Works great for light to medium fabric ties.

Half windsor knot Tarmac.png
Windsor Knot Tarmac.png

Full Windsor Knot

The Full Windsor is a thick, wide triangular knot. Perfect for wider spread collars, this knot projects confidence.

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